How to Blur the Background in Photoshop: A Tutorial for Your Product Photos (2021) - Adobe photoshop cc blur background free

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Adobe photoshop cc blur background free.Adobe Photoshop

  So go ahead and output the fill. With Photoshopyou can adobe photoshop cc blur background free background making cool looking blurry background images. The Select Subject tool is bcakground good, but you might want a sharper and more precise edge on some areas of your subject. /32178.txt 2: Select the Subject Next, go to the top layer and make a selection of your subject using whichever selection tool that works best for you. Step 2: Select the Subject and Add a Layer Mask Make a good selection of your subject and add a Layer Mask on the top layer so that adobe photoshop cc blur background free subject is the only visible part same as previously described. First Name. Duplicate the Original layer by dragging and dropping the layer to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel. Adjust the blur transition. ❿  

Adobe photoshop cc blur background free


As the slider is moved to the right the blur intensifies and as the slider moves to the left there is less of a blur. As an example, try clicking and dragging the solid midline down and notice how the blur changes as the midline is moved. The area between the circle and the solid line, which is the safe zone, serves as the unaffected blur area and the solid line to the dotted line acts as the area where a gradual blur is applied.

Now that the Blur is applied, applying grain will make the image look more realistic. Zoom in by hitting Z on the keyboard to notice how Photoshop has applied the grain to the image. Changes can be made to the Blur layer at any time by double-clicking on the Blur Gallery filter, which is underneath the Blur Layer. This is why a Smart Object is recommended.

Duplicate the Original layer by dragging and dropping the layer to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel. The Lighten Blend Mode is a helpful Blending Mode, which will make anything that is dark, not visible and keep the light areas visible.

To make the Brush bigger or smaller use the [ or ] on the keyboard. While selecting and unselecting the before and after of the Subjects layer mask, a red X will appear on the layer mask. To fix the harsh edges, unlink the image and layer mask for the Subjects layer by clicking on the link symbol, which is located in between the image and layer mask.

Zoom in on your image so you can see the next step. You can see that the selection goes around the monkey's body, and that's what we usually want, but in this case, we actually want a gap between the selection and the edge of the subject.

Go to the Select menu, choose Modify, and Expand to create that gap. Choose 5 pixels and press ok. Learn more about Content-Aware fill in this past blog In the preview window, you can see the fill. Refining the Mask The final step will be to fine-tune the mask. Summary With Adobe Photoshop and some practice, you can add many different blur effects to any image. Social Media: For more tips and tricks, see more blog posts or Check out our complete collection of videos on YouTube.

A Beginners Guide to getting started with Adobe Photoshop Topics: adobe photoshop , photography , photo editing , Photoshop , photo retouching. Author: Timothy Brauning. Owner of Vital Growth Digital.

FMC provides quality, consistent and accessible training for content creators and IT professionals. Make sure you have the Preview option enabled so that you can see the effect in action.

Once you are satisfied, click OK. If it's not perfect, don't worry. You can always go back and adjust the amount of blur because you turned the layer into a Smart Object.

However, when there is a middle area between the subject and background, you will also need to consider how blur affects those different depths. To create a realistic blur effect for this type of image in Photoshop, you will need to understand how depth of field works in your camera. The first thing to consider is that the focal plane runs parallel to the sensor plane. What does this mean? Imagine a line that goes to the left and right of your subject - everything in that line will be as sharp as your subject.

Things closer to the focal point are sharper than anything further away - so the blur needs to increase in that direction gradually. This will keep the eyes, nose, and the rest of your subject's head sharp and only blur the background. This may sound a bit complicated, but it gets easier when you see it in action. Photoshop has several different tools that allow you to blur the background while considering the depth of field. My favorite Photoshop tool to achieve this is the Tilt-Shift Blur.

As described above, start by making two copies of your background layer. The original will remain untouched. Rename the layers to keep organized. Name the top one "Subject" and the middle one "Blur. While your Subject is selected, turn off Visibility for your Subject layer, and click on the Background layer. Click the Eye icon next to the Background layer to turn visibility on.

A pop-up menu will appear asking how much you want to expand the selection. If your Background layer is still locked, a popup menu will appear asking you what you want to fill the empty space with. Choose Content Aware next to Contents. Then, choose Content Aware. You can now de-select the selection. Using the Field Blur tool, you are able to control the blur in different areas of the photo by placing pins on those areas and then adjusting the blur to the right. In this particular image, we want the very background to be blurrier where we can see the buildings in the distance , we want areas closest to the camera to be slightly blurred, and we want the areas of the image right next to the model to be crisp.

To adjust the blur, select a placed pin by clicking on it with the mouse. Then, slide the Blur slider to the right to increase the blur, and to the left to reduce the blur.

Forum Donate. Beau Carnes. This tutorial will show you how to blur faces, backgrounds, text, and more using Photoshop CC. Adjust the radius to add more or less blur to the image. Then click "OK". You're done!

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